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Where we are determines so much of what we see.  I am seeing the world from a slightly different perspective these days.  Several weeks ago I got a call from my doctor.  The mole they removed was, in fact, melanoma.  Size.  Clark level.  That was Greek to me.  I only heard that I had cancer.  For a couple hours, not fully understanding the extent of the diagnosis,  I explored the frightening range of possibilities.  It’s an unusual feeling to google a condition that you have and add “, survival rate”.  By God‘ grace, we caught it early.  Mine was a shallow melanoma.  Several hours in surgery and it appears as though all this is in my rear view mirror – at least for the time being.  But I want to hold onto those few hours of uncertainty.  I want to live from there – to love from there.  And I want to hold onto that perspective for as long as I possibly can.

3 Responses

  1. Michelle Porter says:

    Bless you, by whatever God you believe in, for His grace and mercy. So glad to hear that it was both nothing serious, and something seriously of thought. Perspective changes everything, no?

  2. Mary Ireland says:

    Literally just saw and heard your beautiful music at Matthew Kelly’s Passion and Purpose presentation in Rapid City, SD. Had to buy an album as I need to hear more of your most beautiful, heartfelt music. God bless you, and praise God for the healing of your cancer!

  3. Tim Hatfield says:

    Last summer they found a malignant Tumor in my colon. It was removed and I have just finished 9 months of chemo. So far everything has gone well but I can appreciate looking at life with a different perspective, I sure do. Bless you and keep up the good music. Hope to see you when you play in Chicago area!

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