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I’m not sure why, but I tend to place Mint Juleps firmly in the warm weather of May…most likely because of the Derby.  But I was thinking – in the south, whiskey is a year round  libation, and mint is a staple in the Christmas season.  So it stands that Mint Juleps should have a place in Christmas…and so they shall…at least in my house.  I spent majority of this evening to that end, and now I am enjoying the fruit of my labor.



Happy Thanksgiving

I am in Mobile at the moment and overwhelmed by all that I have to be thankful for…For my wife and children.  For my family in Mobile and their example of faith, love and simplicity.  For my family in Memphis and their wonderful generosity.  For my friends, far and near.  For meaningful work and all of you who support me in it.  For this great country and our freedom.  For the food we share today and the shelter we so often take for granted.  For the world we wake up to and the moment we have together.  For the trinity and it’s revelation at every turn…

I hope that all of you can find reason to be thankful on this and every day.

Hey, I just wanted to welcome you all to my new home on the internet. Please take some time, listen to some music, and peruse at your leisure around my new humble abode.

Starting in September, I will be doing a retreat with Matthew Kelly (NY Times best selling author and speaker) once a month at various Catholic Churches across the country.

I met Matthew a little over a year ago, and he has had an enormous impact on my life. He was speaking in Mobile at McGill-Toolen (my old high school) and my father and others were encouraging me to reach out to him and see if I might play a few songs before he spoke. I hesitated at first and was uncertain that I had anything to add to the evening. However, after some persistence from my father, I got in touch with Matthew. Turns out that he had seen me with Counting Crows in Chicago and knew my music. It felt like the hand of providence was at work. When we met I think he believed in my music more than I did. Our time together helped me realize my purpose with an unshakable conviction. I don’t want to discount the timing of everything, cause, indeed, timing is everything, but he was there, right on time, and for that I thank God.

So it is truly my pleasure to join him on these retreats. I thought it would be unusual for me to be playing in churches but it feels quite natural.

These retreats are geared primarily to a Catholic audience but all of you are welcome, and I believe that all who attend will be inspired.

The price includes a day of some wonderful music and teaching, food, a copy of my new album, one of Matthew Kelly’s bestselling books, a DVD, lots of other merchandise.

I hope that some of you will join us for this unique opportunity to learn how to start living with more passion and purpose.


So here we are. At 1:30 tomorrow (today), we’ll meet the child that has been so wonderfully formed over the last nine months. And the thought continues to arise in me. This child is already here. Nothing is contingent on our hopes or dreams. He is formed – hard wired with reflexes, personality, hair color, eye color, talents and tendency. It matters not that we have preferences. He is here – only in another room. And all that remains are introductions.