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Happy Thanksgiving

I am in Mobile at the moment and overwhelmed by all that I have to be thankful for…For my wife and children.  For my family in Mobile and their example of faith, love and simplicity.  For my family in Memphis and their wonderful generosity.  For my friends, far and near.  For meaningful work and all of you who support me in it.  For this great country and our freedom.  For the food we share today and the shelter we so often take for granted.  For the world we wake up to and the moment we have together.  For the trinity and it’s revelation at every turn…

I hope that all of you can find reason to be thankful on this and every day.

2 Responses

  1. Leisa Huxhold says:

    Thank you Eliot, wishing you a truly blessed holiday season. Of my many blessings, I count you, thank you for all you give to your fans.

  2. Holley Reese Spies says:

    Love your website, it seems you got your mothers gift in the arts. You are most certainly blessed with many wonderful gifts, but above all you are a great person, a beautiful soul. And all of this I am lucky to have known all my life as your cousin, but now the world gets to hear it through the poetry in your words and music. Truly moving.
    I too am very thankful for my family, you included. But without my mom and dad, I wouldn’t be who I am today. Without the faith of my grandmother who taught me to trust in God, and the artist hand I inherited from my grandfather,that has been my release through hard and trying times. I am a blessed woman all because of who I have had in my life.
    I know you have had that too because we come from the same good ole devoted Catholic upbringing.what more can ee ask for? LOL
    Take care Eliot and have a very merry Christmas and a blessed new year!
    Your cousin,

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